Join the Waterborne Book Launch Team

I enjoy providing you, my reader, with insights into what the writing life looks and feels like from the inside. How a novelist works. Or how this novelist works. Today I have a prime opportunity to do this, as we are in full-throttle prep for a book launch. 

On October 11th my second novel will be released, Waterborne: Chronicle of the Clan of Noah. 

It is at this stage of the effort the writer becomes much more than a writer. If afforded the opportunity to get this far (and I am grateful), many other skills impact success. The writer must become at least somewhat acquainted with social media strategy, event planning, public speaking, book marketing, and team management.

I am deeply grateful to have a team surrounding me: Karen, my publisher; Karen, my book launch lead; Julia, my social media guru; Joelle, my agent; and Cyndi, my wife and master task-tackler. Each of them is key to the placement of his book with readers. However; whether it’s writing the back cover copy, recruiting launch team members, planning the in-person book release event, obtaining blurbs, scheduling post-release readings, or ensuring my website reflects all the above, my contribution and focus is essential.

And this is where you come in!

We are currently seeking individuals to join the Waterborne Launch Team.

This will be a fun and dynamic three-week engagement (02-20 October) and will be led by Karen Sargent, a book launch pro. You need nothing beyond a Facebook account, and the ability to copy/paste and follow directions. Karen will guide us all the way!

Join us via this form:

Please invite a friend to join you and feel free to share this link via social media.

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