More Than I Can Chew

“If I have the belief that I can do it, I shall surely acquire the capacity to do it even if I may not have it at the beginning.” – Mahatma Gandhi

In the dictionary of idioms, if you look up ‘biting off more than you can chew’, there will be a picture of me sitting with my laptop writing my book. (Maybe in your dictionary the picture is of you – writing, planning your own business, on a treadmill.) Many of us have story ideas that are large and unwieldy and beyond our immediate, possessed capabilities. We write armed only with the knowledge we gained yesterday and a hope for what might be known tomorrow.

There is an oasis to which we must return over and over along the way – the pool of simple belief that we can indeed do it. It is a blind belief. We may not be capable, yet, but capability will come with the course. Capability breeds capability. It is only after we have accomplished a task that we have the skill and ability to do it. This is the difference between doing something the first time and doing it the second time. This is the way-station on the road to mastery. It is in doing that we become.

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