Read Aloud

Do you read your writing aloud to yourself? Is this part of your writing process?
Yes? Good. You can stop reading here. Well done. Carry on.
No? It should be.
Why? Two reasons:
It will improve your writing. You can hear problems in your writing that you can’t see. Language is processed differently by the ear than it is by the eye. We can hear what we can’t see. Likewise we can’t fully imagine the sounds of language when reading in silence. There is music in well-written prose. There is rhythm and tone. These are important aspects of high-functioning prose. But you can’t see them. And you can’t write-in these elements effectively if you don’t read and listen for them.
Reading your work aloud is a skill that you will need if you achieve any significant success as a writer. All writers who have published more than a little will be asked at least a few times to read their work aloud. You may read to a high school lit class, a book club of a half-dozen souls, or to several hundred devout fans in a university lecture hall. In any case, your ability to read your work in an entertaining and captivating way will increase your readership and exposure. Conversely, if you don’t develop this skill it will prove limiting. You’ll be frustrated. And if you’re successful as a writer you’ll experience the misery of developing this skill as your readers sit in the flesh before you and watch.
So make reading your work aloud a part of your creative process now. It will benefit your writing and you’ll be preparing for future success.
Besides, reading stories aloud to your kids or to your spouse after dinner, is wonderful. Try it.

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